When in Rome: Coronavirus edition

Many of you have written me asking how we are doing! Thanks for your caring inquiries. The answer is: everything here is pretty normal, Yes, the tourist crowds have thinned, but the city is by no means deserted – despite what the news or an extreme article in The New Yorker might tell you. (More […]

We have arrived…

After a lot of paperwork, and the eruption of a worldwide coronavirus panic, we finally managed to arrive in Rome. While some people wore masks on the plane (mostly incorrectly, I should add) the only notice something was up came when we landed. Instead of deplaning onto a jetway we parked on the tarmac and […]

The First Day

I met my students for the first time on Tuesday, for the first session of my seminar in the History of American Foreign Policy. What an amazing group of students! I am very excited to teach this group. I am also confronted immediately with the differences between American and Italian styles of teaching at the […]