What happens to a dream deferred?

U.S. Fulbright Program Suspension and Required Departure.

Well, that’s it. The State Department closed down Fulbright and sent me home. I don’t know what comes next. I can barely process what has already happened over the past two weeks. It felt like I was moving through some sort of bad dream – I recognized everything in theory but I did not feel fully awake, truly present. I appreciate all of you who reached out to check on us and sent personal messages or texts. I am not in the headspace to reply individually at this point but I will keep updating this blog as a way to keep in contact. We are self-quarantined in our house for the next two weeks. I encourage you to follow the protocols to limit contact to prevent the spread of this awful disease.

Some of the clothes we never got to wear. At least I was able to buy more sunscreen.

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